28 Oct

Share Christmas Joy with a veterinary health pack

Share Christmas Joy with a veterinary health pack

Created by: Anelia

Help us give a dog a new lease of life this Christmas.

This ROLDA virtual gift contains an e-card and a virtual certificate personalised with the recipient’s name (your name or the name of the person you will send it to). Please note this gift is completely virtual and only available to send as an e-card. This virtual gift supports ROLDA and their projects in Romania.




The absolute greatest gift anyone could receive is good health and the same is true for our furry friends. This very generous donation allows ROLDA to give a new rescue the greatest gift of a comprehensive health assessment and treatment package by a highly experienced veterinarian. This package covers a full body-exam, treatment of any injuries and removing any fleas and ticks, deworming, broad-spectrum vaccinations and microchipping/registration.
