Prevent the Builder from Going to the Dentist Because He Bites His Nails Too Often


Our builder is under pressure, but you can relieve his stress—and safeguard our animals—by assisting us in getting sufficient wall panels for the PawzUp shelter. These panels not only finish the building, but they also form a strong, protective blanket against rough weather, so every dog and cat we rescue will have a warm, dry, safe home.
Your $35 gift isn’t just helping us build walls—you’re helping us build a sanctuary where animals can heal, feel safe, and wait for their forever homes.

🐾 Give the gift of safety, warmth, and love—one wall panel at a time. 💙
Spread the Cheer! Send an e-card to family and friends, sending a personal message that brings awareness to our mission. Your gift not only assists us in creating an improved shelter but also encourages others to make a positive impact on the lives of homeless animals.

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How Your Gift Helps

Each wall panel you help fund provides vital protection for the animals in our care, shielding them from the elements as we strive to find them loving forever homes.

Tomcat Franco has been through so much. After being a victim of a car accident, our colleague Sinziana spotted him and went through several days of struggle before finally managing to catch him. He was immediately taken to the Trauma Surgery Vet clinic in Bucharest, where it was determined that his eye needed to be removed and he had a fracture on the hard palate and a sprain at the cheekbone.

He underwent the necessary surgeries and was also castrated. Following his discharge, he spent three weeks in a foster home and has now just arrived at the ROLDA cat’s sanctuary, where he will continue his recovery.

About E-cards for PawzUp Project

The small collection of PawzUp Center e-cards is an innovative way to raise funds for PawzUp Center, to make this extremely important project a reality that will last for generations to come. We hope that our e-cards will also put a smile on your face.

When you send one of our special e-cards, you help ROLDA in 3 ways:
1.You promote our work with your friends and family;
2.You literally help us build PawzUp center where rescued animals can live safely;
3.You #givehope to generations of animals and people in disadvantaged communities who have no one else to turn for support.

Help us continue to be the warm roof over these animals’ heads, offering them the comfort and protection they deserve. Together, we can ensure that they never have to worry about being without a place to call home.

About PawzUp Center

PawzUp is a bold project that vows to make a difference; a way to spark the light between animals and people. PawzUp is our way to bring people and animals together and allow them to help one another and enjoy each other’s company.

PawzUp Center will have the following buildings:

  • A shelter for dogs + a shelter for cats
  • A sanctuary for horses and donkeys
  • A charitable veterinary clinic with quarantine and infectious diseases isolation blocks
  • An adoption & education center open for the local public
  • Lots of playgrounds
  • A space for volunteers who travel from far away to work with our animals.