Join ROLDA efforts to build PawzUp Center.
A place to spark the light between animal and people.
Every day, we celebrate together with our animals and our amazing supporters the hope, love, and the gift of shelter. At ROLDA, our roof is more than just a physical structure—it’s a symbol of safety, warmth, and second chances for dogs and cats in need. Every rescued dog and cat deserve a secure place to rest, heal, and dream of a better tomorrow.
With a donation of $40, you’re helping us grow and strengthen our shelter so more threatened animals know comfort, safety, and the kindness they so desperately need. You’re giving them hope for a better tomorrow, one secure night at a time.
🐾 Look up, give hope, and help us build a future where no animal is left out in the cold. 💙
Spread the Gift of Hope! Send a PawzUp e-card to family and friends and relish in the pleasure of giving. Each thoughtful message reminds us of our purpose as we rejoice in the amazing differences your support makes.
The small collection of PawzUp Center e-cards is an innovative way to raise funds for PawzUp Center, to make this extremely important project a reality that will last for generations to come. We hope that our e-cards will also put a smile on your face.
When you send one of our special e-cards, you help ROLDA in 3 ways:
1.You promote our work with your friends and family;
2.You literally help us build PawzUp center where rescued animals can live safely;
3.You #givehope to generations of animals and people in disadvantaged communities who have no one else to turn for support.
Help us continue to be the warm roof over these animals’ heads, offering them the comfort and protection they deserve. Together, we can ensure that they never have to worry about being without a place to call home.
PawzUp is a bold project that vows to make a difference; a way to spark the light between animals and people. PawzUp is our way to bring people and animals together and allow them to help one another and enjoy each other’s company.
PawzUp Center will have the following buildings: