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I was gonna dig a deep hole. It turned out well


Enhance the PawzUp center by installing a deep well, ensuring a constant supply of fresh water. The well-drilling team is acutely aware, as we are, of how dirty water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene contribute to the rapid spread of diseases worldwide. The key to meeting the water demands of all 7 buildings lies in conducting a thorough search, delving deep into the ground between 120-150m. This is the place where you can find the purest and most plentiful water sources. Your generous gift to support drilling a deep well will have a lasting impact on saving lives.

“I was gonna dig a deep hole. It turned out well” to help the PawzUp Center ROLDA have clean water for all saved animals and people who look after them, to maintain their health and wellbeing.

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How Your Gift Helps

Clean water is essential in maintaining the health of animals. Clean water is important for preventing disease, hydration, and hygiene in shelters and care facilities.

Inadequate clean water exposes animals to an increased risk of illness and dehydration, which seriously affects their welfare; therefore, a reliable water supply is one of the most important issues for ROLDA. One can only imagine the weakened animals, their eyes dull with exhaustion and thirst, stumbling through the dry landscape in search of any sign of drinkable water.

Proper water pressure management is essential for the structural integrity and longevity of any shelter. High-pressure water blasts away waste and grime, creating a sanitary environment that is important in preventing the spread of harmful bacteria and parasites among the animals. In case of a disaster, for example, a fire, an adequate water supply and high pressure will be fundamental. It will make the difference between effective control of such an emergency and a general catastrophe. In fact, access to water is of essence in ROLDA operations, as it will ensure the welfare of animals and sanitation of their living spaces, especially in case of emergency situations.

The investment in clean, high-pressure water systems by ROLDA offers better animal care, with strong jets preventing disease spread and providing the ability for rapid emergency responses that save animal lives.

About E-cards for PawzUp Project

Show your care in a distinctive and meaningful way with ROLDA’s PawzUp e-cards. When you choose to send an e-card, you’re directly contributing to the essential building efforts that provide a secure resting place for our rescue animals.

Each card represents a glimmer of hope for the animals and a brighter future, all thanks to people like you. Join us in raising awareness for the PawzUp Project and our mission to protect animals.

About PawzUp Center

PawzUp is a bold project that vows to make a difference; a way to spark the light between animals and people. PawzUp is our way to bring people and animals together and allow them to help one another and enjoy each other’s company.

PawzUp Center will have the following buildings:

  • A shelter for dogs + a shelter for cats
  • A sanctuary for horses and donkeys
  • A charitable veterinary clinic with quarantine and infectious diseases isolation blocks
  • An adoption center for dogs and cats
  • Lots of playgrounds
  • A space for volunteers who travel from far away to work with our animals.