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Transform “cement” into concrete for PawzUp


This simple bag of cement will create a strong and safe base for PawzUp Center, ROLDA, where all the rescued animals will live, play, and sleep until the day they are adopted. Ensuring their health is our top priority, and laying a solid foundation for these buildings is crucial.

“Transform “cement” in concrete for PawzUp” to help build the foundation for PawzUp Center ROLDA so that all the animals living there will have quality hygienic conditions.

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How Your Gift Helps

We built our paddocks from high-quality cement, which is the same material we plan to use for the PawzUp Center. Despite living 7 joyous years with us and never experiencing any significant health issues, Dionis ultimately succumbed to his fate.

To prioritize quality hygiene, a single bag of cement can make a significant difference in safeguarding the well-being of our animals.

When Dionis came into our care, he was just a little 3-year-old, seeking love and safety. He was a frail, trembling figure, his eyes darting anxiously in every direction. Thanks to our team’s dedication, Dionis not only recovered fully but also enjoyed a contented life in our ROLDA shelters for 7 years.

It took an incredibly long time, a whole 7 years, for us to find him a forever home. However, tragically, he passed away from a sudden heart attack, his dreams of meeting his new family forever shattered. Though the cause of the heart attack is uncertain, our primary focus is on the welfare and protection of the dogs and other animals we save.

About E-cards for PawzUp Project

Show your care in a distinctive and meaningful way with ROLDA’s PawzUp e-cards. When you choose to send an e-card, you’re directly contributing to the essential building efforts that provide a secure resting place for our rescue animals.

Each card represents a glimmer of hope for the animals and a brighter future, all thanks to people like you. Join us in raising awareness for the PawzUp Project and our mission to protect animals.

About PawzUp Center

PawzUp is a bold project that vows to make a difference; a way to spark the light between animals and people. PawzUp is our way to bring people and animals together and allow them to help one another and enjoy each other’s company.

PawzUp Center will have the following buildings:

  • A shelter for dogs + a shelter for cats
  • A sanctuary for horses and donkeys
  • A charitable veterinary clinic with quarantine and infectious diseases isolation blocks
  • An adoption center for dogs and cats
  • Lots of playgrounds
  • A space for volunteers who travel from far away to work with our animals.