Sponsor food for 1 #roldadog for 1 month

Bone brooch


Created by: AnitaBSign

Good job! By purchasing this gift, you help the ROLDA Rescue shelter administration keep Smiley well-fed for 1 whole month! This adorable pup rescued from the dangerous streets will be thankful for not having to go hungry again! Thank you!

Felt fabric

SKU: brooch2 Category: Tag:


Size: 10 x 6 cm

Spruce up your look with a fancy one brooch and show the world you are a proud “dog person”! You don’t want to wear it as a bow tie? No worries! You can still sport this wonderful item in a lot of other creative ways, like attached to a cap, to a bag, directly to your shirt or wherever you feel like it. The brooch is made of felt and it is very easy to clean.

This item is exclusively created for the ROLDA shop by Anita, an authentic Romanian artisan brand. As we work hard every day to make the world a better place for animals and humans alike, we support those local artisans whose creations are in tune with nature.

With great responsibility and maximum efficiency toward every contribution to our cause, ROLDA is saving homeless animals from abuse and traumatizing experiences by taking them into our shelter and helping domestic animals from poor communities at risk of neglect or abandonment.

ROLDA does not take any responsibility and cannot be held responsible for the items listed by producers on our ROLDA Shop website; this includes any delays in delivery, any changes to the description of the items presented/sold, the way the items are created or the way they are used once purchased.
All purchases made are completed directly by the producers.