28 Oct

Share Christmas Joy by protecting a dog from the bitter cold

Share Christmas Joy by protecting a dog from the bitter cold

Created by: Anelia

This gift will purchase an insulated bed and blankets or straw for one of our hundreds of dogs, so they are comfortable this winter.

This ROLDA virtual gift contains an e-card and a virtual certificate personalised with the recipient’s name (your name or the name of the person you will send it to). Please note this gift is completely virtual and only available to send as an e-card. This virtual gift supports ROLDA and their projects in Romania.




Whilst snowscapes and blizzards are beautiful through the window of a cosy, warm home, where your dog will be snuggled up to you or sleeping by the fire, they are harsh things to experience when exposed to the elements. ROLDA’s shelters are equipped to tackle the extreme cold of Romania’s
winters and special measures are taken to protect any vulnerable dogs.
